Tipologías de apicultor orgánico chileno en función de factores protectivos de su condición orgánica

Lagos Susaeta, Francisco; Maino Menéndez, Mario


A database of the certified organic beekeepers of Chile was constructed based on the information obtained from the National Agricultural Service of Chile (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG). With this information and with the collaboration of a group of experts using a Delphi panel it has been establish the main variables that determinate the sstrength of the organic condition among the beekeepers, generating a list of 10 variables, including factors related to sanitary aspects, surroundings and risks, knowledge of beekeepers about organic production, financing and access to markets. A survey guideline was elaborated to measure the variables among each of the 14 beekeepers that participated in the study, assessing values between 1 – 5 to each of the variables. Overall values between 3,6 – 4,6 were obtained for each beekeeper. Afterwards, based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) the variables were weighted, obtaining values between 0,053 – 0,221 for the 10 variables. With these results the field information was weight obtaining values between 3,42 – 4,52 to all the variables among the beekeepers. Based on these results a cluster analysis was performed, using hierarchy grouping, euclidean distance and average linkage to measures distance among groups, obtaining 3 groups of beekeepers. A set of recommendations was generated to all the beekeepers and specific recommendations to each of the groups of beekeepers formed. The recommendations aim to strengthen and give sustainability to the organic condition and construct general advices to anyone that undertake organic beekeeping

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Fecha de publicación: 2017
Idioma: Castellano
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, Universidad de Chile
URL: http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/146002