Challenges Throughout 100 Years of Copper Electrorefining and Electrowinning

Salas, Juan Carlos; Weishaupt, Ricardo; Guzmán, Jaime

Keywords: Chuquicamata, Copper, Electrorefining, Electrowinning


The origins of the electrorefining process date back to 1869, when the first ER cathodes were produced at Pembrey, South Wales. By the time that Pembrey was closing, Chuquicamata tank house was under construction, initiating in 1915 a long history of electrolytic cathodes production. Initially electrowon cathodes and later electrorefined cathodes were produced. During the history of Chuquicamata tank house, there have been several challenges associated with the quality demanded for electrolytic copper. Among them, the transformation from electrowinning to electrorefining in 1952, the onset of the direct commercialization of ER cathodes and the phase out of wire bars in the 80s, several technological changes including the implementation of permanent cathodes, and certainly the constant increase in complexity of the anodes refined. This paper explores the manner in which Chuquicamata has addressed these challenges andexamines its links to process characteristics, which have been necessary to maintain a product quality according to market requirements and a brand, “CCC”, that is widely recognized worldwide.

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Fecha de publicación: 2019
Año de Inicio/Término: Agosto 2019
Idioma: Inglés