Proptosis por Celulitis Orbitaria en paciente Pediátrico: Reporte de un caso

Gutierrez, Jaime.; Jimenez, Sebastián; Lagos, Javier; Pizarro, Maribel.; Jorquera-Román, Manuel.

Keywords: Orbital cellulitis, proptosis, intraorbital abscess, orbital tumor


Orbital cellulitis is an infectious disease that occurs most frequently in the pediatric age. The most common underlying factor for its development is ethmoidal sinusitis. The microorganisms associated with orbital infection are S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis, whose therapeutic failure brings serious complications that include loss of vision, meningitis and intracranial infection. In the following case we want to capture the doctor’s actions in this infectious pathology, the diagnoses we should rule out and antibiotic treatment. We report the case of a previously healthy 2-year-old male patient who consulted for an increase left bipalpebral volume, associated to impossibility of spontaneous opening of left eye and febrile peak of 39.4 ° C, with TAC of paranasal sinuses and orbit, where shows left medial intraorbital abscess, with preseptal compromise that determines left proptosis, deciding to start associated antibiotic therapy for orbital cellulitis with compromise preseptal. In view of the slow evolution, a study was started to rule out the associated tumor process, which is discarded, maintaining an antibiotic for 21 days with clinical improvement after these. Orbital cellulitis in the pediatric age should be diagnosed quickly and in a timely manner, since it is a medical emergency, it is a condition that requires hospitalization and management with systemic antibiotics

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Médica del Maule
Volumen: 34
Editorial: Sociedad Médica del Centro
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 28
Página final: 34