Innovación curricular en la educación superior ¿Cómo se gestionan las políticas de innovación en los (re)diseños de las carreras de pregrado en Chile?

GUZMAN, MARIA ANGÉLICA; Maureira, Óscar; Sánchez, Alejandra; Vergara, Adriana

Keywords: Educación Superior, innovación educativa, Investigación curricular, Modelos curriculares, Planeación curricular, Diseños curriculares


One of the ongoing concerns in the national agenda in Chile is ensuring quality in higher education. In order to strengthen quality, some institutions have implemented curriculum redesign processes as a selectivity criterion and for the purpose of allocating both internal and external resources. However, it is not clear whether the intended quality standards have been reached. This work started with a content analysis focusing on a variety of academic publications regarding curriculum innovation. This generated a set of analyticalcomprehensive categories that were used to research seven undergraduate curriculum redesign experiences. Among other aspects, findings suggest that –against what the official discourse claims– curriculum innovation is only implemented partially, and also implies some weaknesses, such as lack of planning and very little collaborative work.

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Título de la Revista: PERFILES EDUCATIVOS
Volumen: XXXVII
Editorial: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación,
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Página de inicio: 60
Página final: 73
Idioma: Español
Notas: Scopus