Partners at Learning: A service-learning approach to serving public school students from military families

Capp, G. P; Benbenishty, R; Moore H.; Pineda, D.; Astor, Ron A.; Castillo, B; De Pedro, K. M. T.


The majority of 4 million United States military-connected students attend public schools, and many face various challenges that stem from factors related to military service. Schools can support these students through positive school-climate and attention to their needs. University service-learning programs can enhance the experiences of military-connected students. This study presents an evaluation of the Partners at Learning (PAL) program, where undergraduate university students provided tutoring to under-served students, including military-connected students. Results show that PAL tutors reported greater awareness of the unique experiences of these military-connected students, increased understanding of diverse groups, and increased interest in social justice advocacy.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Military Behavioral Health,
Volumen: 5
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 10
