Tipos de trastornos anómicos en las afasias.

Cuetos, Fernando; Gonzalez-Nosti M.; Sánchez N.; Cabezas, C.; GARCÍA, PEDRO; Sanchez-Alemany N.

Keywords: Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia, Phonological anomia, Semantic anomia, Pure anomia


Anomic disorders occur in all aphasic syndromes. Since many cognitive processes are involved in oral production, there are multiple causes of these disorders, which are consequently highly heterogeneous. This study analyzed a sample of 28 aphasic patients with distinct syndromes (Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia, etc.) but all with anomic disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the variety of anomias and their connection with classical syndromes. The patients performed eight lexical-semantic tasks, picture naming (objects and actions), semantic (word-picture matching, semantic association, etc.) and phonological tasks (words and pseudoword repetition). Based on the results on these tasks, the patients were classi ed into several groups through a discriminant analysis (pure, semantic, Phonological and mixed anomia) and the main dissociations between the groups were analyzed (recall vs. recognition, objects vs. actions, etc.). Correlations among the results of the tasks were analyzed to check the ability of the tasks to predict the different types of anomia. The results showed the existence of a wide variety of anomic disorders, which were independent of the type of syndrome found in each patient.

Más información

Volumen: 30
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Página de inicio: 16
Página final: 22
Idioma: español