Tolman IV solution in the Randall-Sundrum braneworld

Ovalle, J.; Linares, F.


In the context of the Randall-Sundrum braneworld, the minimal geometric deformation approach is used to generate an analytic interior solution to four-dimensional effective Einstein field equations for a spherically symmetric compact distribution. This solution represents the braneworld version of the well-known Tolman IV solution in general relativity. By using this analytic solution, an exhaustive analysis of the braneworld effects on realistic stellar interiors is developed, finding strong evidence in favor of the hypothesis that compactness is reduced due to bulk effects on stellar configurations.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000327240100006 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volumen: 88
Número: 10
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2013


Notas: ISI