Transformación de los liderazgos en la minería: gestión estratégica para incorporar mujeres a la industria

Salinas Paulina y , Cordero , Camila

Keywords: leadership, mining, management models, female inclusion


A low participation of women in the mining industry is a prevailing issue around the world. In Chile, despite higher wages, technological level and the projected deficit of human capital in the sector, women represent 4.2% in operational areas. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the role of mining industry managers to reverse this condition. By means of a case study in Compañía Minera Esperanza, part of the group Antofagasta minerals, located in northern Chile, nine (9) heads of operational areas were in-depth interviewed. Results reported the need of executing a transformational leadership with a gender perspective and thus a more flexible human resource management, as well as facilitating the adaptation and projection of women, promoting managerial positions for women and assigning heads of areas with responsibilities to a more symmetrical management. These findings are central to strategic management in an industry experiencing high demand and intense dynamism at international leve

Más información

Volumen: 26
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 119
Página final: 130
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: FONDECYT