Construir Culturas de Colaboración Efectiva en Redes de Escuelas Chilenas: una Teoría de Acción

Rincón, Santiago; Villagra, Carolina; Mellado, María Elena. y Aravena, Omar.

Keywords: liderazgo educativo, liderazgo escolar, colaboración profesional, comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje, redes escolares, cambio educativo, teoría de acción


This paper explores how external facilitators can support the development of cultures of effective professional collaboration in networks of schools. It emphasizes the role they can play as “critical friends” to facilitate the cultural change that is required to establish cultures of effective collaboration. It presents a case study that describes the experience of a centre of leadership development in the Chilean region of Araucanía in supporting the development of ten networks of school leaders in the region. Through the analysis of reports of formal network meetings, surveys and interviews with participating school, community and regional leaders, as well as conversations with the team that designed and accompanied the networks between May 2016 and December 2018, it reconstructs the history and evolution of the strategy to support the development of the networks. It also outlines a theory of action organized in seven principles of action to build cultures of effective collaboration in school networks.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos
Volumen: 69
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 241
Página final: 272
Idioma: Castellano