Líderes escolares: representaciones implícitas sobre aprendizaje

Chaucono, Juan Carlos; Mellado, María Elena; Yuste, Rocío

Keywords: Liderazgo pedagógico, representacionesde aprendizaje, líderes escolares


The objective of the article is to describe the implicitrepresentations about learning of 105 school directors ofprimary education, La Araucanía region, Chile. A mixedmethodology that uses dilemma questionnaire and groupdiscussion was assumed. The results show that themanagement teams have implicit representations aboutlearning linked to direct domain theories, interpretive witha constructivist tendency. However, in deepening theanalysis of the plurality of pedagogical thinking aboutlearning, direct and interpretive theories predominate.

Más información

Volumen: 41
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 12
Página final: 23
Idioma: Castellano