Knowledge of the practice in mathematics in university teachers

Delgado-Rebolledo, Rosa; Zakaryan, Diana; Durand-Guerrier, V.; Hochmuth, R.; Goodchild, S; Hogstad, N.M.

Keywords: teaching and learning of analysis and calculus, university teachers’ knowledge, knowledge of the practices in mathematics, Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge model


This research is part of the study of university teachers’ knowledge that has emerged as a new line of research, which aims to understand the components of this knowledge, its development, and how it is reflected in university teachers’ teaching practice. This study, using the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge model, seeks to characterize a university teacher’s knowledge of practice in mathematics in the content area of mathematical analysis. Based on an instrumental case study, through classroom observation, we provide indicators of the teacher’s knowledge of ways of reasoning, validating, and proceeding in mathematics, contributing to the understanding of the nature of this teacher knowledge.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2018
Año de Inicio/Término: Abril, 2018
Página de inicio: 393
Página final: 402
Idioma: Inglés