Acúfenos y umbrales auditivos convencionales y de rango extendido de alta frecuencia

Maggi, Ana Luz; Hinalaf, María; Gaetan, Sara; Muratore, Jimena; Pérez, Jorge; Kogan, Pablo; Hüg, Mercedes

Keywords: tinnitus, hearing thresholds, high frequency audiometry, adolescents.


The aim of this study was to analyze the presence and absence of tinnitus in relation to hearing thresholds in the conventional and extended high frequency ranges in adolescents. The sample was 259 adolescents. Hearing thresholds in the conventional and high frequency ranges were evaluated. Minor hearing thresholds in the extended range of high frequency in the ears with tinnitus were observed. The difference is increased in the group with higher thresholds, mainly at frequencies 11200 to 16000 Hz. It is necessary to continue investigating this problem in this particular age group because of the differences found in the extended high frequency range.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Mecánica Computacional
Volumen: XXXVI - Number 4
Número: Acoustics and Vibrations
Editorial: Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 69
Página final: 79
Idioma: Español
Notas: Latindex