Marine resource reliance in the human populations of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile: A view from prehistory

Standen, Vivien; Arriaza, Bernardo

Keywords: south america, fruits, Carbon, Nitrogen, Dietary Isotopes


The Atacama Desert is one of the most inhospitable terrestrial environments on Earth, yet the upwelling of the Humboldt Current off the coast has resulted in the presence of a rich marine biota. It is this marine environment which first enabled the human settlement of the northern Atacama Desert, and continues to form the basis of regional economies today. In this paper we explore how the desert has shaped human dietary choices throughout prehistory, using carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of human bone collagen (n ¼ 80) to reconstruct the diets of the inhabitants of the Arica region of the northern Atacama. This area is one of the driest parts of the desert, but has been generally understudied in terms of dietary adaptation. Statistical analysis using FRUITS has allowed deconvolution of isotopic signals to create di-etary reconstructions and highlight the continued importance of marine resources throughout the archaeological sequence. Location also appears to have played a role in dietary choices, with inland sites having 10e20% less calories from marine foods than coastal sites. We also highlight evidence for the increasing importance of maize consumption, coinciding with contact with highland polities. In all pe-riods apart from the earliest Archaic, however, there is significant variability between individuals in terms of dietary resource use. We conclude that marine resource use, and broad-spectrum economies persisted throughout prehistory. We interpret these results as reflecting a deliberate choice to retain dietary diversity as a buffer against resource instability.

Más información

Volumen: 182
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 163
Página final: 174
Idioma: Inglés
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Rutherford Postdoctoral Fellowship (Royal Society of New Zealand), Marsden Grant (UOO1413) University of Otago Research Grant, and FONDECYT

Notas: WOS, ISI