Tourism and microcluster in Aysén, Chile

Scholz, Wolfgang; Breuste, Jürgen, Bourlon, Fabien; Rojas, Jorge; Torres, Robinson

Keywords: stakeholders, Tourism development, Economic clusters, Tourism clusters


This article analyzes the development of economic clusters and their relationship to tourism. Tourism clusters can be a useful tool to promote tourism in a particular area. However, for their implementation, there are conditions to consider when transferring the cluster concept to tourism. With reference to the case study region of Aysén in Patagonia, Chile, the article analyzes the current situation of tourism development and its weaknesses with special attention to the local actors involved in tourism.The author’s team conducted an intensive survey on stakeholders in tourism in the region. This revealed the need for cooperation and tailor-made training of local actors in order to develop tourism in Aysén for the benefit of the local stakeholders.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Tourism Review International
Volumen: 14
Número: 4
Editorial: Cognizant Communication Corp.
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Página de inicio: 355
Página final: 361
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CIEP