Drimanic sesquiterpenes and lichen metabolites as a building block for the synthesis of new sesquterpen-poliphenollic derivatives. Study of their cytotoxicity and cell death mechanisms

Cuellar M.A.; Montenegro I.J.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2020
Objetivos: General goal: To develop efficient strategies for synthesizing new derivatives with potential anticancer activity, whichhave in their structure a drimane skeleton connected to an orcinol fragment, with structural variations arefound in the double bond and different substitution pattern on hydroxyl.
Programa: FONDECYT
Año de Inicio/Término: 2020-2023
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CONICYT
Rol del Usuario: COINVESTIGADOR(A)
URL: https://post.conicyt.cl/frontend.php/es/version/5d091438d486057827575c12.html?date=1593720356.7965


Notas: For the study of the cytotoxicity of the compounds synthetised, several biological assay will be carry outusing four cancer cell lines: MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 (breast cancer cell lines), PC-3 (prostate cancer cell line) HT-29 (colon cancer cell line) and MCF-10 (non tumoral breast epithelial cell line)