Adaptation of the Social Well-being Scale for Teachers and School Staff

Bilbao, Marian; López, V.; Torres-Vallejos, J.; Ascorra, P.

Keywords: bienestar social, bienestar, validez, confiabilidad, docentes, personal escolar


Social well-being is defined as the assessment of our social functioning, and plays a key role in mental health. In the school context, teachers and school staff can promote students’ well-being, but this is tied to their own. To assess teachers and school staff’s social well-being at school, we adapted Keyes´s Social Well-being Scale to the school context. Psychometric properties were analyzed, on 899 teachers and school staff from Valparaíso, Chile. Findings suggest that 22 items are suitable to be used reliably. Confirmatory factors showed that the instrument has appropriate adjustment. A smaller school size and participation in school issues were associated with higher social well-being, supporting the validity criterion. This adapted scale can be a useful tool to measure the socio-affective variables of adults in the school community.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista de Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Idioma: Ingles
Notas: La revista se encuentra indizada en Web of Science y SCOPUS.