Relación entre la microbiota y el sistema inmune

Rojas, Carolina; Gálvez-Jirón, Felipe; Cárcamo, Ignacio.; Villalòn. Natalia,; Kurte, Monica; Pino-Lagos, Karina

Keywords: microbiota, regulación inmunológica, inflamación, tolerancia


The microbiome corresponds to the genetic component of microorganisms (archeas, bacteria, phages, viruses, fungi and protozoa) that co-­‐exist with an individual. During the last two decades, research on this topic has become massive demonstrating that in both homeostasis and disease, the microbiome plays an important role, and in some cases, a decisive one. To date, microbiotas have been identified at different body mucosae, such as the eye´s, airways, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and skin; and technological advances have permitted the taxonomic characterization of resident species, their metabolites, in addition to the cellular and molecular components of the host that maintain a “cross‐talk” with local microorganisms. Interestingly, this interaction not only generates local effects but also systemic ones. In this review we present the most recent studies with regard to the microbiota and its role in health through the interaction with the immune system.

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Título de la Revista: Boletín Instituto salud Publica Chile
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Idioma: Español