Estudio de la variación en la resistencia al esfuerzo cortante en arenas mal gradadas producto de la plantación de vetiver

Torres, Jesús; Torres, Roberto; Belandria, Norly; Barreto, Wilmer; Picón, Ricardo; Peña, Mariam; Guarache, Juan; Mendez, Luiggi


Lately, the use of the vetiver system in bioengineering has been evidenced, it is use to stabilize slopes and control erosion. Despite the qualities of the root system of vetiver grass, there is still empiricism in the design and implementation, because its mechanical contribution is not perfectly understood. Therefore, it is proposed to determine the increase in resistance to shear stress in poorly graded sands derived from the planting of vetiver grass. The methodology involves performing direct shear tests in the laboratory. For this, in the first instance, a controlled seeding is carried out in containers that minimize the alteration of the sample; from the fourth week, the control and vetiver-soil samples are tested. The results indicate that mechanical parameters increase as root density increases, soil cohesion increases from 460% to 780% and the friction angle, from 4,78% to 12,25%

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia
Volumen: ve2019
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 239
Página final: 246
Idioma: Español
