DSM Light Trapping Technology for Optimised Output of Bifacial PV Technology

Mrcarica, Milica; Pasmas, Peter; Rabanal-Arabach, Jorge; Halm, Andreas; Schneider, Andreas


DSM has commercialised a range of innovative materials such as Anti reflective coating (ARC) for PV glass, backsheet and other PV materials in development, to enhance cost to performance ratio of PV energy systems. DSM proprietary textured polymeric coating: light trapping film (LTF) with outdoor durable formulation and a roll-to-sheet industrial in-line application process has been developed specifically for bifacial technology. Bifacial technology has gained a high research and market attention in last years. It offers a significant power gain without complicated changes to cell and module production lines. However, the design, location and set-up of bifacial PV system have a high impact on its performance [1]. Additional power generation from the rear side of bifacial modules is caused by the ground reflected irradiance [2]. It has been modeled and confirmed experimentally that the yield gain of a single bifacial module is significantly higher than the yield gain of a string of bifacial modules [3] [4]. In this paper, we present the influence of DSM’s LTF on improving the performance of bifacial PV modules impacted by self-shading and shading from the neighboring modules in the row of modules, with potential to minimize this impact at system level.

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Fecha de publicación: 2017
Año de Inicio/Término: 2017-09
URL: https://www.eupvsec-proceedings.com/proceedings?paper=41883