SOP- habituation laboratory: An interactive tool for simulating the basic behavioral features of habituation

Uribe-Bahamonde, Yerco. E; Jorquera, Orlando E.; Becerra, Sebastian A.; Vogel, Edgar H.


This paper presents an open-source online tool for introducing psychology students to the major theoretical and empirical facts of habituation. The tool was designed in a way that combines theory and data through simulated experiments. The simulations exemplify how the priming theory of Allan R. Wagner accounts for the set of behavioral characteristics of habituation proposed by Richard F. Thompson and W. Alden Spencer in 1966. Through this interactive platform, the user can learn the basics of the theory and to examine how it accounts for the empirical facts with different parameters. Instructions and commands are provided in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Behavior Research Methods
Editorial: Springer Nature
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Idioma: inglés
Notas: Wos core collection ISI, Scopus