Multi-objective Generation Expansion Planning Considering Environmental Criteria

Acosta, Juan-Carlos; Cortes-Carmona, Marcelo

Keywords: environmental factors, multi-objective optimization, generation expansion planning, energy resources, Carbon tax


The following paper refers to the problem of longterm generation expansion planning in the Great North Interconnected System considering environmental criteria. Therefore, a multi-objective optimization model is developed, which according to technical, economic and environmental requirements, allows determining the configuration of the longterm generator park in the electrical system and it also allows assessing the impact on the emissions of greenhouse gases. The analysis of alternative expansion of the generator park allows determining, for each different scenario, the annual operation hours of each generating technology, the investment and operation costs along with the level of CO2 emissions. The assessment horizon of this study was established by the year 2030. The main conclusions indicate that in order to achieve an effective reduction of global emissions, the incorporation into the energy matrix of low GHG emission technologies such as CCS and nuclear energy should be considered, insofar as they are cost effective and socially and environmentally compatible. In addition, the incorporation of the CCS allows that the coal increases its competitiveness compared with other technologies because in a LNG restriction scenario it is required a high availability and participation of coal power plants.

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Fecha de publicación: 2019
Año de Inicio/Término: Nov. 13 - 27
Idioma: Inglés