Datos territoriales para la gestión de la pandemia: el caso del COVID-19 en Bolivia

Luis Gonzales C.; Andersenn L

Keywords: Covid


We estimate a COVID vulnerability index in order to characterize all Bolivian municipalities with regard to their structural conditions and their sanitary capacity facing the pandemic. The municipal disaggregation of the index becomes a relevant source of information when prioritizing the demands of the epidemic. For example, it can help guide the distribution of tests, protective equipment and vaccines so as to reduce the levels of contagion and deaths while also minimizing the economic costs incurred. The index is constructed based on three main dimensions: i) Risk of propagation, ii) Underlying health situation, and iii) Response capacity. Among the main results, stands out the fact that 60% of the municipalities belonging to the highest decile of vulnerability are the most populous municipalities.

Más información

Título de la Revista: LAJED
Volumen: 34
Editorial: Universidad Catolica Boliviana
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 7
Página final: 33
Idioma: Español
URL: https://6977241a-7494-429e-9af7-38c818a97789.filesusr.com/ugd/8f7eda_6659343f73fb431184b5a08110185219.pdf