Magnetic corrections to the boson self-coupling and boson-fermion coupling in the linear sigma model with quarks

Ayala, Alejandro; Luis Hernandez, Jose; Hernandez, L. A.; Farias, Ricardo L. S.; Zamora, R.


We compute the magnetic-field-induced modifications to the boson self-coupling and the boson-fermion coupling, in the static limit, using an effective model of QCD, the linear sigma model with quarks. The former is computed for arbitrary field strengths as well as using the strong field approximation. The latter is obtained in the strong field limit. The arbitrary field result for the boson self-coupling depends on the ultraviolet renormalization scale, and this dependence cannot be removed by a simple vacuum subtraction. Using the strong field result as a guide, we find the appropriate choice for this scale and discuss the physical implications. The boson-fermion coupling depends on the Schwinger phase, and we show how this phase can be treated consistently in such a way that the magnetic-field-induced vertex modification is both gauge invariant and can be written with an explicit factor corresponding to energy-momentum conservation for the external particles. Both couplings show a modest decrease with the field strength.

Más información

Título según WOS: Magnetic corrections to the boson self-coupling and boson-fermion coupling in the linear sigma model with quarks
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volumen: 102
Número: 11
Fecha de publicación: 2020


Notas: ISI