Mejorando la calidad de vida en adultos mayores a través de la experiencia universitaria

Troncoso-Pantoja, Claudia; Muñoz Roa, Mirna; Amaya-Placencia, Juan Pablo; Díaz Aedo, Fredy; Sotomayor-Castro, Mauricio Alfredo; Jerez-Salinas, Alejandra

Keywords: adulto mayor, calidad de vida, Educación, investigación acción


Objetive: Was design and implement a Seminar/Workshop as a learning experience in a university environment for vulnerable elders in the Hualpen district, Bío-Bío region, Chile, during 2017. Methodology: Through the methodological design of research action, a group of elder people was invited to live a learning experience into the dependencies of a higher education institution. As a part of the research structure, the diagnosis was based on the theoretical contents planning adapted to the Mini-Mental State Examination test results. The intervention corresponds to four seminary sessions and workshop about subjects oriented to self-care and use of the information technology. A process evaluation was done during the educative sessions, ending with a group interview. Results: The elder opted for a space where they were able to interact with their peers, scholars and students of the healthcare area. It is understood as a life experience implying a positive connotation due to the knowledge delivery, but overall, due to the opportunity of being at a university, a situation the participants had never imagined. Conclusions: The academic activities in healthcare tend to be done in care centers or places where elder people gathers. Inviting users to the same establishment where the professionals who treat them are educated, gives them a higher level of closeness and life experience that, finally, has a positive impact in their quality of life.

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Volumen: vol.30 no.3
Fecha de publicación: 2019