A incidência de políticas públicas para a agricultura familiar no Brasil: considerações a partir dos municípios, regiões e Territórios da Cidadania

Grisa, Catia; Chechi, Leticia; Sanguinet, Eduardo

Keywords: Public policies. Family farming. Policy mix. Municipalities


A broad set of policies for family farming was created in Brazil in the last 20 years. Several studies assess the individual performance of these policies at national, regional or case levels. However, we have few analyzes about the incidence or joint action of such policies. Aiming to contribute to this debate, the paper seeks to analyze the incidence of policies for family farming in the municipalities, regions and Territories of Citizenship between 2011 and 2015. For this 12 public policies were considered in this reflection, selected from the existence of public data for the same period of analysis. The results show the great capillarity of four policies (Bolsa Família, Luz para Todos, Pronaf and PNAE) in the national territory. The geographic concentration of the incidence of policies in the Northeast and North regions of Brazil was verified, as well as the non-correspondence between incidence and application of resources. Regarding the PTC, the results indicate that in the Northeast and Southeast regions there are statistically significant differences in the incidence of policies for family farming in Territories of Citizenship’s municipalities

Más información

Título de la Revista: Grifos
Volumen: 27
Número: 45
Editorial: Open Journal Systems
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 159
Página final: 182
Idioma: Portuguese
URL: https://doi.org/10.22295/grifos.v27i45.4456
Notas: Latindex