A novel machine learning model that guides graduate students to write more organized and structured texts.

Vera, Juan, Allende-Cid, Héctor, Venegas, René, Rodríguez, Sebastián., Palma, Wenceslao, Zamora, Sofía, Lillo, Fernando, González, Humberto, Van Cott, Ashley & Fuentes. Eduardo

Keywords: machine learning, academic writing, Writing quality, biomedical papers


Academic writing is one of the most valuable skills a scientist can develop. A primary challenge for graduate students is to coherently and concisely organize and present ideas within a manuscript. Writing a quality research manuscript requires transmitting the most relevant information through precise sentences that fulfill diverse communicational roles, ultimately resulting in a coherent, understandable text connected by cohesive mechanisms (e.g. lexical relationships between pairs of terms). Despite technological advances, the execution and teaching of the writing process have not similarly advanced. Therefore, a top priority for graduate programs is to implement new methodologies and technologies that aid students in communicating research advances. Through our investigation, we developed a novel, unsupervised machine-learning model applied to cell biology and biomedical texts that guides students in writing better organized and more structured texts

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Fecha de publicación: 2018
Año de Inicio/Término: 8-12 de diciembre
Idioma: Inglés
URL: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Escritorio%202020/Cursos2020/Segundo%20semestre/G%C3%A9neros%20discursivos?preview=Vera+et+al.+-+Unknown+-+A+novel+machine+learning+model+that+guides+graduate+students+to+write+more+organized+and+structured+texts(2).pdf