Enseñanza de Farmacia Comunitaria, innovación con herramientas infocomunicacionales

• María Teresa Andonaegui Álvarez, Hernán Chávez, María Pilar Sánchez

Keywords: Community - pharmacy, teaching innovation, community pharmaceutical teaching


The subject of Community Pharmacy is given inside the program of undergraduate of the career of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Chile, as part of the vocational training of the pharmaceutical chemist. The teaching in this subject is very important at present, and then in Chile most (on 70 %) of the pharmaceutical chemists will develop their career in the Office of Pharmacy. On the other hand there is the challenge of doing this entertaining subject and with a high efficiency in the acquisition of knowledge used in the Pharmacy. In this respect the computer tools current they present an interesting alternative of educational resources. Computer elements have got in the teaching of the subject of Community Pharmacy, as site educational web, virtual forums on specific matters, use of resources in CD, pupils' filming seminar in which they have recorded and the material delivers them to them later for his commentary to level group, etc. All these activities are destined to qualify the pupil to develop the professional functions in efficient form. The present work shows the different tools used to give this subject

Más información

Título de la Revista: Edusfarm
Volumen: 2
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Idioma: español
URL: http://www.publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/edusfarm2/documentos/108.pdf