Distinguishing Chain Growth Mechanisms in Metal-catalyzed Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Systems: C2H4/C2D4 Co-oligomerization/Polymerization Experiments Using Chromium, Iron, and Cobalt Catalysts

Tomov, Atanas K.; Gibson, Vernon C.; Britovsek, George J. P.; Long, Richard J.; van Meurs, Martin; Jones, David J.; Tellmann, Kilian P.; Chirinos, Juan J.


A series of co-oligomerization and copolymerization reactions of C2H4/C2D4 (1:1) mixtures have been carried out using various transition metal catalysts based on Cr, Co, and Fe in combination with MAO. The oligomeric alpha-olefin products have been analyzed by GC and GC/MS, and the experimental results have been compared with the theoretical mass spectra derived from mathematical models. Solid polymer samples have been analyzed by C-13{H-1} and C-13 DEPT-135 NMR spectroscopy C2H4/C2D4 co-oligomerization can be used as a method to differentiate between a metallacyclic or a Cossee-type chain growth mechanism in oligomerization systems. In the case of a metallacyclic mechanism, no H/D scrambling is observed, whereas for a Cossee-type mechanism, similar rates of chain propagation and chain termination (beta-H elimination) result in rapid H/D scrambling of the C2H4/C2D4 feed. This method is therefore limited to oligomerization systems and cannot be applied ill polymerization systems, where the rate of chain propagation is much faster than the rate of chain termination.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:000272852400023 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: ORGANOMETALLICS
Volumen: 28
Número: 24
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Página de inicio: 7033
Página final: 7040


Notas: ISI