The Spanish Singularity Toward the Destruction of Public Schools: Two Steps Forward and No Step Backward

Redon, Silvia; Angulo Rasco, José Félix; Torres Santomé, Jurjo; Sanchez, Ana; Menelau, Joao


This paper aims to indicate and analyse the various political steps that has been undertaken during the last 10 years in Spain, to the gradual destruction of the public school system. The first was characterized by pressures from the European economic community towards the introduction of the knowledge economy, which was defacing a national curriculum in an empty structure of competencies, cancelling the debate on cultural content. The second is twofold. On the one hand, the reductive conversion of education for citizenship, into a legislative body, negating the sense of civic understanding and democratic thought. On the other hand, a post-colonial paradox, the proposal for introduction in the Spanish educational system of standardized tests in the non-tertiary educational system.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2013
Año de Inicio/Término: 27 de abril - 1 de mayo de 2013
Idioma: inglés
Notas: Co-autoría