Chile as a Transpacific Bridge: Brokerage and Social Capital in the Pacific Basin


The idea of Chile as a 'bridge country' that connects - or should connect - Latin America with the Asia-Pacific region has guided its commercial diplomacy since the early 1990s. We argue that this geopolitical vision corresponds closely with what network analysts describe as a 'broker': an actor that bridges 'structural holes' by connecting otherwise disconnected actors or groups of actors. As a relational approach, social network analysis provides an alternative way of thinking about Chile's position in international relations that does not rely on preconceived groupings or rank orders based on country attributes, as in the case of 'middle powers' and 'small states.' Further, the approach allows us to empirically explore which countries of the Pacific Basin currently perform such a role and whether (and when) Chile conforms to the theoretical expectations of a 'transpacific broker.' Using network data on commercial agreements (1980-2018), we trace Chile's emergence as a transpacific broker and discuss how its commercial diplomacy provided the country with leverage in this regard. In doing so, the study sheds light on the opportunities and limitations of peripheral actors seeking to gain social capital through networks of relations.

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Título según WOS: Chile as a Transpacific Bridge: Brokerage and Social Capital in the Pacific Basin
Título de la Revista: GEOPOLITICS
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2020


Notas: ISI