Pre-Analytical and Clinical Validation of a Dried Blood Spot Assay for Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and L-Arginine


Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) inhibits nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. It is a risk marker for cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with cardiometabolic diseases and in population-based studies. Plasma or serum analysis of ADMA may be hampered by pre-analytical sample handling. We validated a dried blood spot (DBS) assay for ADMA and L-arginine and show here that this assay has excellent variabilities and reproducibilities. Filter paper is impregnated with the arginase inhibitor nor-NOHA (N-omega-hydroxy-nor-Arginine) to avoid L-arginine degradation. Clinical validation of this DBS assay confirms elevated ADMA concentration in hemodialysis patients as compared to healthy controls, higher ADMA concentrations in men versus women, and elevated L-arginine concentration in subjects supplemented with L-arginine. The DBS assay was used in a cohort study involving 100 primarily healthy subjects in the Andean region to assess the impact of chronic intermittent hypoxia on ADMA and L-arginine; ADMA DBS concentration at sea level was prospectively associated with pulmonary hypertension after six months of exposure to 3500 m. In a cohort of 753 individuals, L-arginine/ADMA ratio significantly decreased with increasing number of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Analysis of ADMA and L-arginine in DBS is a reliable and reproducible method for quantitation of these markers in field studies.

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Título según WOS: Pre-Analytical and Clinical Validation of a Dried Blood Spot Assay for Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and L-Arginine
Volumen: 9
Número: 4
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 2020


Notas: ISI