Analytic self-gravitating 4-Baryons, traversable NUT-AdS wormholes, flat space-time multi-Skyrmions at finite volume and a novel transition in the SU(3)-Skyrme model

Ayon-Beato, E.; Canfora, F.; Lagos, M.; Oliva, J.; Vera, A.


We construct the first analytic self-gravitating Skyrmions with higher Baryon charge in four dimensions for the SU(3)-Skyrme-Einstein-? theory by combining the generalized hedgehog ansatz with the approach developed by Balachandran et al. to describe the first (numerical) example of a non-embedded solution. These are genuine SU(3) analytic solutions instead of trivial embeddings of SU(2) into SU(3) and its geometry is that of a Bianchi IX Universe. The Skyrme ansatz is chosen in such a way that the Skyrme field equations are identically satisfied in the sector with Baryon charge 4. The field equations reduce to a dynamical system for the three Bianchi IX scale factors. Particular solutions are explicitly analyzed. Traversable wormholes with NUT-AdS asymptotics supported by a topologically non-trivial SU(3)-sigma soliton are also constructed. The self-gravitating solutions admit also a suitable flat limit giving rise to Skyrmions of charge 4 confined in a box of finite volume maintaining the integrability of the SU(3) Skyrme field equations. This formalism discloses a novel transition at finite Baryon density arising from the competition between embedded and non-embedded solutions in which the non-embedded solutions prevail at high density while are suppressed at low densities.

Más información

Título según WOS: Analytic self-gravitating 4-Baryons, traversable NUT-AdS wormholes, flat space-time multi-Skyrmions at finite volume and a novel transition in the SU(3)-Skyrme model
Volumen: 80
Número: 5
Editorial: Springer
Fecha de publicación: 2020


Notas: ISI