A new genus and species of groundwater isopod of the family Protojaniridae (Isopoda: Asellota: Gnathostenetroidoidea) from southern Chile

Pérez-Schultheiss, Jorge; Wilson, George

Keywords: chile, new species, new genus, groundwaters, Protojaniridae


A new asellotan isopod of the family Protojaniridae Fresi, Idato & Scipione, 1980 is described from freshwater springs in the Osorno province, Los Lagos region, southern Chile. Wiyufiloides osornoensis gen. & sp. n. is the third South American protojanirid species and the first known groundwater isopod in Chile. The new genus and species is principally characterized by the presence of a vestigial antennal scale, a strongly subchelate pereiopod I and the absence of an apical lobe on the protopod of pleopod II. The new taxon is described in detail and figures are given.

Más información

Título de la Revista: ZOOTAXA
Volumen: 4966
Editorial: Magnolia Press
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 550
Página final: 562