Long-term in situ growth rate adaptability of a cold-water coral in a natural pH gradient

Jantzen C.; Nowak, C.; Laudien, J; McConnell, KM; Haussermann, V.


As a consequence of ocean acidification, deep dwelling corals are the first affected by aragonite undersaturation. To study the fate of deep-sea corals in changing oceans the cosmopolitical scleractinian Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) was studied, since it typically occurs down to depths of 2,500 m but also in shallow waters of the Chilean fjord region up to 8 m. With more than 1,500 specimens per m² and a total length of up to 40 cm it is an important ecosystem engineer (Försterra & Häussermann, 2003), but still little is known about its in situ growth rates and adaptability towards a changed pH. Therefore, our study has the following aims: (1) Provide growth rate data via an in situ long-term experiment (one year) for D. dianthus using the buoyant-weight technique. (2) Identify the adaptability of D. dianthus towards a changing pH via a crosstransplantation experiment at two study sites (Comau Fjord center & mouth)

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Fecha de publicación: 2014
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christopher-Brunner/publication/267156069_Long-term_in_situ_growth_rate_adaptability_of_a_cold-water_coral_in_a_natural_pH_gradient/links/5446ec080cf22b3c14e0b7c4/Long-term-in-situ-growth-rate-adaptability-of-a-cold-water-coral-in-a-natural-pH-gradient.pdf