The end of the line: non-breeding site assessments for the rufa Red Knot population over-wintering at Bahía Lomas, Chile

Contraparte en Chile: Espoz, Carmen; Garrido, Gabriela

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Fecha de publicación: 2017
Objetivos: Inform rufa Red Knot recovery actions at Bahía Lomas by applying automated radio-telemetry to understand population-level site-use and activity through the entire period of one “over-winter” season, complementing ongoing shorebird studies.
Año de Inicio/Término: 2017-2018
Financiamiento/Sponsor: National and Fish Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
Rol del Usuario: OTROS
Notas: Project that help to identify full migratory routes/site connectivity, stopover timing, turnover rates and other temporal data for Red Knot and other priority shorebird spp at wintering and stopover sites along the Atlantic Flyway. Responsible institution Bird Studies Canada