Como comunicamos las enfermeras: una reflexión necesaria

Gonzalez Nahuelquin, Cibeles


Communication is a dynamic and fluid process, which is generated from the relationship established with the other. For the nursing professional this competence becomes a vital link that allows him to generate a harmonic and reliable relationship in the care process. However, the vortex in the professional work, favors that both the relationship and the communication that is established with the person cared for, have the risk of dehumanizing. The main purpose of the following manuscript is to reflect on the communication process in the nurse discipline, providing tools to strengthen the interpersonal relationship and thus lead to rethink and inspire nursing with the basis of its essence, which is the human care.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Benessere, Revista de Enfermería
Editorial: Revistas UV
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Idioma: Español