Implicancias de las transformaciones en las prácticas familiares y avances hacia la desfamiliarización

Muñoz Guzmán, Carolina; Muñoz Guzmán, Carolina

Keywords: family configurations, longevity, intimacy, work, rearing, defamiliarization


This article describes how current family practices are moving away from the pre-established limits of cohabitation, marriage and procreation, establishing affective and intimate relationships that mutate over time, losing the stability that traditionally characterized them. These new practices produce and respond to social change, unleashing opportunities and new risks that affect the entire population of the country, particularly the most vulnerable groups. Faced with this scenario, the Chilean State must review the institutional support it offers from a familiarized regime to a non-familiarized one, with the aim of improving the welfare of its citizens, particularly that of women

Más información

Editorial: Thomson Reuters
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 397
Página final: 428
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Centro Iberoamericano de Derechos del Niño (CIDENI), Familias Ahora, and O´Neill Institute Georgetown University