Movement for the Emancipation of Women in Chile (MEMCH). The Development of comprehensive politics and forms of popular education for the recognition of women's rights, 1935-1941

Montero Miranda, Claudia; Rubio Soto, Graciela


The article analyzes the views of politics and the education strategies of the Pro-Emancipation of Women of Chile Movement (MEMCH), as seen through the newspaper La Mujer Nueva, between 1935-1941. The movement developed a comprehensive perspective on politics, aiming to broaden representative democracy from a gender perspective, to consolidate absolute justice for women workers, and the recognition of women as political subjects. To do this, the movement developed various popular education strategies such as the expansion of primary education for working women, territorial educational interventions and the promotion of forms of self-education for the construction of identities within the movement.

Más información

Título según WOS: Movement for the Emancipation of Women in Chile (MEMCH). The Development of comprehensive politics and forms of popular education for the recognition of women's rights, 1935-1941
Título de la Revista: Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social
Número: 17
Editorial: Universidad de Antioquia
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 174
Página final: 197


Notas: ISI