Historia ambiental de las apropiaciones territoriales en la Patagonia chilena nor-central: La trapananda como frontera interior

Ther-Ríos, Francisco; Hidalgo-Garrido, Carlos; RODRÍGUEZ TORRENT, JUAN CARLOS; Lazo Corvalán, Alejandra; Alvarez-Abel, Ricardo; Saénz Passeron, Juan

Keywords: patagonia, settling, environmental history, Internal Frontier, Territorial appropriations


The objective of the following paper is to systematize the environmental history of the Chilean Patagonia through its territorial occupations in the Region of Los Lagos and the Region of Aysen. The diverse transformations that took place in the process of the use of resources are narrated according to the respective experiences of the prehispanic, colonial and republican periods; the particularities of the territorial occupations are highlighted in their historical and biocultural dimensions, reviewing a variety of sources with the aim of differentiating political, economic and lived territories. Results show that this environmental history, presented non-linearly, was possible under the framework of an absent State which created the geopolitical conditions for an internal frontier and a remote administration.

Más información

Título de la Revista: MAGALLANIA
Volumen: 49
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Idioma: Español
URL: https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?pid=S0718-22442021000100109&script=sci_arttext


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