Comprehensive Review of Torque and Vectoring Control for Electrical Powertrains

Jesús Moreno; Jorge Palma; Rocío Dominguez; Jaime Rohten; Vladimir Esparza

Keywords: torque, computational modeling, Tires, Wheels, Predictive models, Load modeling, Mechanical power transmission


In the last few years, a rise in the planet earth pollution has brought forward a necesity for renewable energies and different ways to exploit them in order to replace coal, oil and gas. In this context, the entire world is looking forward to produce electricity by the means of -mainly- solar and wind energy, but also searching for other clean alternatives. This electricity may be used to transport people into and out of the cities, helping to reduce pollution gases that every day saturates big towns. In fact, it is expected for electromobility to be the most important way to transport people by 2050, and therefore, the design and development of proper control algorithms for electric machines become imperative in order to improve driving and safety in modern powertrains. This paper studies and reviews some of the most important works, with a special mention about, regenerative braking, grip improvement, and vectorial torque control considering the entire car dynamics. As results, this document shows the importance of proper electric powertrain control such as MPC (model predictive control) which helps with critical safety decisions that make the car stable, DTC (direct torque control) which labor is to ensure the right amount of torque is produced by the power unit in order to comply with the decisions made by the MPC or the Fuzzy Logic Controllers. All these control strategies make cars even more flexible, safe and robust than traditional combustion ones.

Más información

Editorial: IEEE
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Año de Inicio/Término: 22-26 March 2021
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 7
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: 10.13039/501100008785-Universidad del Bío-Bío
