D-brane description from nontrivial M2-branes

Garcia Del Moral, Maria Pilar; las Heras, Camilo


We obtain the bosonic D-brane description of toroidally compactified non-trivial M2-branes with the unique property of having a purely discrete supersymmetric regularized spectrum with finite multiplicity. As a byproduct, we generalize the previous Hamiltonian formulation to describe a M2-brane on a completely general constant quantized background denoted by us as CM2-brane. We show that under this condition, the theory is equivalent to a more restricted one, denoted as an M2-brane with fluxes, which has been shown to have good quantum behavior. As a result, the spectral properties of both sectors must be the same. We then obtain its bosonic D-brane description and discover new symmetries. We find that it contains a new symplectic gauge field in addition to the expected U(1) Dirac-Born-Infeld gauge symmetry and a nontrivial associated with the presence of 2-form fluxes. Its bundle description takes on a new structure in the form of a twisted torus bundle. By turning off some of the fields, the D-brane description of other toroidally nontrivial M2-brane sectors can be obtained from this one. The possibility of reinterpreting these sectors in terms of Dp-brane bound states is discussed. These D-brane descriptions constitute String theory sectors with a quantum consistent uplift to M-theory.

Más información

Título de la Revista: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B
Volumen: 974
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Idioma: Inglés
URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0550321321003333?via%3Dihub
