Understanding Customer Experience via Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

Aldunate, Angeles; Vairetti, Carla; Maldonado, Sebastian; Armelini, Guillermo

Keywords: customer satisfaction, natural language processing, analytics, Customer feedback, Deep learningBERT


It is of utmost importance for marketing academics and service industry practitioners to understand the factors that influence customer satisfaction. This study proposes a novel framework to analyze open-ended survey data and extract drivers of customer satisfaction. This is done automatically via deep learning models for natural language processing. According to 11 drivers acknowledged by the marketing literature to determine customer experience, the data is cast into a multi-label classification problem. This expert system not only supports the automatic analysis of new data but also ranks the drivers according to their importance to various service industries and provides important insights into their applications. Experiments carried out using 25,943 customer survey responses related to 39 service companies in 13 different economic sectors show that the drivers can be identified accurately.

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Volumen: 209
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Idioma: Ingles
URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118309