Energy Poverty Evaluation Using a Three-Dimensional and Territorial Indicator: A Case Study in Chile

Alexis Pérez Fargallo; Paulina Wegertseder; Leyton-Vergara, Matias; Castaño-Rosa Raul

Keywords: social housing, Energy poverty, energy affordability, energy inequality, three-dimensional energy poverty indicator


Energy poverty (EP) is a problem that affects a large part of the world population, leaving those most vulnerable to suffer from unhealthy indoor conditions in their homes, being cold in winter months, struggling with their monetary situation, and even reducing social activities with relatives. In this context, it is important to assess EP situations and identify those factors that most affect each one. This paper, through the evaluation and adaptation of the Three-dimensional and Territorial Indicator of Energy Poverty (EPITT in Spanish), developed by the Energy Poverty Network in Chile (RedPE Chile), assesses the different EP situations in a social-housing case study located in south-central Chile. The results show different EP situations depending on the dimensions studied, e.g., 35% of households had food and hygiene issues, 27% had issues with lighting and electrical devices, 72% with climate control in the home, and 68% experienced equality in energy expenditure issues. It is possible to say that energy expenditure is the dimension that most influences the EP situation. Furthermore, the values in the different dimensions are below the national average, mainly because of the poor quality of housing, limitations in access to energy, and low income. In conclusion, the adaptation of EPTTI provides a better understanding of EP vulnerability at the local scale.

Más información

Título de la Revista: BUILDINGS
Volumen: 12
Número: 8
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 1125
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: This research was funded by National Research and Development Agency of Chile (ANID), FONDECYT research project 1200551.
Notas: Web of Science SCIE