COVID-19 y ciudad: hacia un modelo integrado de vivienda, microbiología, ambiente y urbanismo

Encinas, Felipe; Soto-Liebe, Katia; Aguirre Nuñez, Carlos; González, Bernardo; Bustamante, Waldo; Schueftan, Alejandra; Ugalde, Juan; Blondel, Carlos; Truffello, Ricardo; Araya, Paz; Freed, Carmen

Keywords: Coronavirus, vulnerabilidad, pobreza energética, hacinamiento


As of May 2020, the global health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus moves its epicentre to Latin America, with cities showing high rates of poverty, segregation, and overcrowding. Current advances in microbiology make it possible to understand in depth the relationships between cities, COVID-19, and other microorganisms, but a conceptual framework to articulate them is lacking, especially in contexts where social determinants are so relevant. This article proposes an integrated approach to microbiology, housing, environment, and urbanism, based on a model of interactions and an empirical analysis applied to Santiago de Chile. It was possible to analyse how the propagation of COVID-19 in the city is enhanced by vulnerabilities of socio-spatial, residential and urban health, including an approach from the concept of energy poverty. At the same time, it was possible to verify how the variables associated with these vulnerabilities allowed to explain the incidence rate per 100 000 inhabitants through the different communes of Santiago de Chile. Among these, the level of housing overcrowding, the number of households with heads of household in precarious employment, and travel to the central business district stand out. Finally, the need for microbiological sampling to improve housing conditions, neighbourhoods, and cities propose a new research agenda for this “Urban Microbiome" multidisciplinary team, contributing to overcoming the vulnerabilities identified in this research.

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Volumen: 46
Editorial: Architecture, City and Environment
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Idioma: Español