Feminist revolution: a fight for recognition, redistribution and a more just world

Vivaldi, L.; Sepúlveda, B

Keywords: rights, neoliberalism, feminist movement, constitucional process


e contribution of feminism, as a critique of social inequalities and as a complex way to challenge neoliberalism and patriarchy, has been crucial in Chile – especially in the last few years. Various events have been particularly relevant: the plight of those seeking free, safe abortion; the feminist revolution of May 2018; and the performance by ‘Las Tesis’, as well as the expressions of other feminist organisations during the Chilean revolt in October 2019 (18-O). These events have been part of a key step in Chile: the process of changing Pinochet's Constitution. This process of change will have a commission with gender parity: for the first time in the world, the Constitution will be written equally by men and women. How feminist principles are incorporated in the new Magna Carta will be very important. By ‘feminist principles’ we mean, among other things, the recognition of different identities and rights – such as reproductive rights or reproductive work – that have remained historically hidden, and this denial has contributed to deepened inequalities. We will analyse this process using feminist perspectives and tools such as redistribution, which defends and favours a more just distribution of resources and wealth; recognition of different groups; and intersectionality, incorporating interconnected systems of discrimination and oppression. Another contribution in this revolutionary process is, following Butler, the invitation to consider vulnerability, not as a purely passive position that yields the site of agency to different forms of paternalism, but rather as the condition of possibility of resistance.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture
Volumen: 27
Número: 5
Editorial: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 567
Página final: 578
Idioma: Inglés
URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504630.2021.1931090