Genotipificación del Gen RHD en ADN fetal libre en plasma de embarazadas RhD negativo.

Nunez M.A.; Pontigo F.; Farias, S; Villalobos C.; Saa E.; Canals A.; Rojas I.

Keywords: Anti-D immunoglobulin, Fetal and Newborn Hemolytic Disease, free fetal DNA, RHD, SRY.


Objective: To determine the fetal RhD group through the study of the RHD gene in fetal DNA found free in plasma of RhD negative pregnant women. Methodology: The presence of the RHD, SRY and BGLO genes in fetal DNA obtained from plasma of 51 non-sensitized RhD negative pregnant women was analyzed using qPCR. The results of the genetic study of the RHD gene were compared with the RhD blood group study performed by serological method in cord blood samples, and the results of the SRY gene study were compared with the fetal sex determined by ultrasound. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and discriminative capacity of the standardized method were calculated. Results: The RHD gene was present in 72.5% of the samples and the SRY gene in 55.5%, coinciding 100% with the results of the RhD group detected in cord blood, and with the fetal sex confirmed by ultrasound, respectively. Conclusion: It was possible to deduce the RhD blood group of the fetus through the study of fetal DNA found free in the plasma of pregnant women with a non-invasive molecular method developed and validated for this purpose. This non-invasive test can be used to make the decision to administer anti-D immunoglobulin only to RhD-negative pregnant women carrying an RhD-positive fetus.

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Editorial: Publicaciones Permanyer
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Idioma: español
Notas: Scielo, DOAJ, Latindex 2.0