NHEET - Natural Heat Exchange Engineering Technology for Mines

Lorrie Fava and Blayne Teddy; Sean Maloney; Osama Asa'd; Claudia Gonzalez; michelle levesque; Junfeng Zhang

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2018
Objetivos: The project objective is to establish a robust methodology for the engineering of NHEET systems which can be implemented at diverse mine sites across Canada and internationally. A range of scenarios will be studied by means of numerical modelling and lab-scale modelling.
Año de Inicio/Término: 2018-2021
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Mirarco Co – Laurentian University – Industry Funds
Rol del Usuario: INVESTIGADOR(A)
URL: https://nheet.ca/
Notas: An economical and environmentally friendly heating and cooling ventilation air solution exists at Vale’s Creighton Mine in Canada by utilizing a volume of broken rocks, which allows for mining to occur at a depth of 2.5km without requiring artificial refrigeration.