Synaptic configuration of quadrivalents and their association with the XY bivalent in spermatocytes of Robertsonian heterozygotes of Mus domesticus.

Berrios S, Fernández-Donoso R, Ayarza E

Keywords: nuclear architecture, mouse spermatocytes, nucleoli, Robertsonian chromosomes, Quadrivalents


Background: The nuclear architecture of meiotic prophase spermatocytes is based on higher-order patterns of spatial associations among chromosomal domains and consequently is prone to modifcation by chromosomal rearrange‑ ments. We have shown that nuclear architecture is modifed in spermatocytes of Robertsonian (Rb) homozygotes of Mus domesticus. In this study we analyse the synaptic confguration of the quadrivalents formed in the meiotic pro‑ phase of spermatocytes of mice double heterozygotes for the dependent Rb chromosomes: Rbs 11.16 and 16.17. Results: Electron microscope spreads of 60 pachytene spermatocytes from four animals of Mus domesticus 2n = 38 were studied and their respective quadrivalents analysed in detail. Normal synaptonemal complex was found between arms 16 of the Rb metacentric chromosomes, telocentrics 11 and 17 and homologous arms of the Rb metacentric chromosomes. About 43% of the quadrivalents formed a synaptonemal complex between the heterolo‑ gous short arms of chromosomes 11 and 17. This synaptonemal complex is bound to the nuclear envelope through a fourth synapsed telomere, thus dragging the entire quadrivalent to the nuclear envelope. About 57% of quadrivalents showed unsynapsed single axes in the short arms of the telocentric chromosomes. About 90% of these unsynapsed quadrivalents also showed a telomere-to-telomere association between one of the single axes of the telocentric chro‑ mosome 11 or 17 and the X chromosome single axis, which was otherwise normally paired with the Y chromosome. Nucleolar material was associated with two bivalents and with the quadrivalent. Conclusions: The spermatocytes of heterozygotes for dependent Rb chromosomes formed a quadrivalent where four chromosomes are synapsed together and bound to the nuclear envelope through four telomeres. The nuclear confguration is determined by the fourth shortest telomere, which drags the centromere regions and heterochroma‑ tin of all the chromosomes towards the nuclear envelope, favouring the reiterated encounter and eventual rearrange‑ ment between the heterologous chromosomes. The unsynapsed regions of quadrivalents are frequently bound to the single axis of the X chromosome, possibly perturbing chromatin condensation and gene expression

Más información

Título de la Revista: BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH
Volumen: 50
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página de inicio: 38
Página final: 43
Idioma: Inglés