The long memory of the land: Pre-colonial origins of Mapuche mobilization in Chile

Alberti, Carla; Luna, Juan Pablo; Toro-Maureira, Sergio; Gayo, Eugenia


We aim to explain the long-term territorial patterns of conflict across Mapuche communities in southern Chile. The Mapuche indigenous people have resisted external invasions by colonial settlers and the Chilean state for about five centuries. However, not all Mapuche communities have mobilized for their demands. While conflict between communities and external invaders has been a historical constant in certain areas, in others, Mapuche communities have remained largely passive. We explain subnational patterns of Mapuche mobilization by identifying path-dependent sequences -that range between conflictive and passive- that trace back to the social complexity of pre-colonial societies. Specifically, we claim that communities with stronger pre-colonial indigenous organization had a higher capacity to resist colonialism. Conversely, communities with weaker levels of organization had less capacity to mobilize to fend off colonialism. As a result, path-dependent sequences emerged, which persisted throughout the post-colonial period and explain the differing levels of conflict -or its absence- across Mapuche communities.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000982402600001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY
Volumen: 103
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI