Effect of forest areas configuration on the community of insectivorous bats in agroforestry landscapes

Vilches-Pinones, Karol, I


In Chile, many aspects of the ecology of bats and their distribution are unknown, despite their ecological and economic importance. This situation does not allow a correct implementation of conservation efforts even when they are legally recognized as beneficial animals for agriculture. Here, we studied the bats' activity and community in two agricultural landscape types (homogeneous vs. heterogeneous) in a hotspot of biodiversity in the centre-south of Chile. We monitored four transects of 10 km per landscape type with 10 listening points separated by 1 km. These transects were repeated 5 times, once per month. We evaluated the bats activity according to the forest cover type (native, mixed and plantations) and the isolated trees density. Our results showed that the heterogeneous landscape was dominated by T. brasiliensis while the homogeneous landscape was by Lasiurus spp. However, only the species T. brasiliensis was affected by the landscape type. In the heterogeneous landscape, only the forest cover variables had significance in the activity of the bat species, where Lasiurus spp. and M. chiloensis had a positive response for native and mixed forest, as well as Lasiurus spp. had a negative response for plantations. The density of isolated trees had a negative effect on the activity of T. brasiliensis and Lasiurus spp. in the homogeneous landscape type. Our results showed the importance of considering the forest elements in agroforestry landscape to conserve bat communities.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:000889255400001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY
Editorial: Wiley
Fecha de publicación: 2022


Notas: ISI